The Importance of Diet and Exercise in Cancer Prevention

This article discusses why diet and exercise are crucial components of cancer prevention.

Although food is not proven to directly prevent cancer, it is an important factor in cancer prevention as excess weight is associated with cancer due to it causing inflammation, prolonging cellular life, affecting hormone levels such as insulin and estrogen, and affecting other factors that regulate cell growth. [1, 2] Approximately 18% of all cancers are associated with excess body weight, low physical activity, alcohol consumption, and poor nutrition, highlighting how essential it is to consider your diet when making your cancer prevention plan. Some suggestions for a cancer-conscious diet include eating lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats such as extra virgin olive oil and nuts, and lean proteins such as poultry and fish. It is also suggested that you limit how much you eat red meat, high-fat dairy, saturated fats, very salty foods, and added sugars as well as alcohol. [1]

In addition to a healthier diet, regular exercise is linked to lower risks for several types of cancer, including bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, and many others. This is likely because exercise affects things that contribute to cancer development such as reducing hormone levels, reducing inflammation, keeping the immune system healthier, and preventing obesity. It is recommended that in order to experience the benefits of regular exercise, you should do 150 – 300 minutes and 75 – 100 minutes of moderate-to-intense cardio, balance training, and at least 2 muscle strengthening exercises per week. [3]



1.     Gilmerm. Can a healthy diet prevent cancer? healthy-diet-prevent-cancer/ (accessed Nov 30, 2021).

2.     Does body weight affect cancer risk? physical-activity/body-weight-and-cancer-risk/effects.html (accessed Nov 30, 2021).

3.     Physical activity and cancer fact sheet. (accessed Nov 30, 2021).

Written and illustrated by Amaryllis Editing Services.



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